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Old 01-09-2024, 03:14 AM   #69
killo3967 began at the beginning.
Posts: 22
Karma: 10
Join Date: Sep 2020
Device: Kindle Paperwhite
Let me see if I got this right. Do I have to have the ISBN of the book to get the cover?
Because I have tried the latest version that you have posted in this thread and I do get a cover, but not the one I should get if I do the search manually. If you want, try the book "Abandonado en Marte"

Here the log:
****************************** Kobo Books Covers ******************************
Request extra headers: [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15')]
Failed to download valid cover
Took 3.552682399749756 seconds
No cached cover found, running identify
identify - title: "Abandonado en marte" authors= "['Rey, Lester Del']"
create_query - title: "Abandonado en marte"
create_query - after decode title: "Abandonado en marte"
create_query - title_tokens: "['Abandonado', 'en', 'marte']"
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='Abandonado en Marte', id='abandonado-en-marte'
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='Space Science Fiction Super Pack', id='space-science-fiction-super-pack'
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='The Science Fiction Anthology', id='the-science-fiction-anthology-7'
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='The 13th Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK®', id='the-13th-golden-age-of-science-fiction-megapack-lester-del-rey-vol-2'
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='Fantastic Stories Presents: Fantasy Super Pack #1', id='fantastic-stories-presents-fantasy-super-pack-1'
KoboBooks url: ''
KoboBooks url: ''
KoboBooks url: ''
KoboBooks url: ''
KoboBooks url: ''
parse_details - kobobooks_id: "the-13th-golden-age-of-science-fiction-megapack-lester-del-rey-vol-2"
parse_details - title: "The 13th Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK®"
parse_authors - author: "Lester del Rey Lester Lester del Rey del Rey"
parse_authors - authors: "['Lester del Rey Lester Lester del Rey del Rey']"
parse_details - authors: "['Lester del Rey Lester Lester del Rey del Rey']"
No scripts founds for book details metadata????
parse_series - series_name: "Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK®s"
parse_series - series_name_node: "b'Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK®s\r\n '"
parse_series - series_index_node: "b'Book 13 - \r\n '"
parse_series - series_index_node.text: "Book 13 - "
parse_series - series_index_text: "Book 13 - "
parse_series - series_index after split: "13"
parse_series - series_name=Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK®s, series_index=13
Error parsing cover for url: ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 165, in parse_details
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 300, in parse_cover
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0dc3ed5c-30fd-45d8-8008-e03238c1a7a9'

parse_details - kobobooks_id: "abandonado-en-marte"
parse_details - title: "Abandonado en Marte"
parse_authors - author: "Lester del Rey,Marcelo Moirón (traductor)"
parse_authors - authors: "['Lester del Rey', 'Marcelo Moirón (traductor)']"
parse_details - authors: "['Lester del Rey', 'Marcelo Moirón (traductor)']"
No scripts founds for book details metadata????
parse_series - series_name: "Fantaciencia"
parse_series - series_name_node: "b'Fantaciencia\r\n '"
parse_series - series_index_node: "b'Book 9 - \r\n '"
parse_series - series_index_node.text: "Book 9 - "
parse_series - series_index_text: "Book 9 - "
parse_series - series_index after split: "9"
parse_series - series_name=Fantaciencia, series_index=9
Error parsing cover for url: ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 165, in parse_details
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 300, in parse_cover
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '48298d42-a832-46e0-8b58-7e4e9f583e6e'

parse_language - language: "Spanish"
parse_details - kobobooks_id: "the-science-fiction-anthology-7"
parse_details - title: "The Science Fiction Anthology"
parse_authors - author: "Andre Norton,Murray Leinster,Lester del Rey,Harry Harrison,Marion Zimmer Bradley,Fritz Leiber,Ben Bova,Moon Classics,Philip K. Dick"
parse_authors - authors: "['Andre Norton', 'Murray Leinster', 'Lester del Rey', 'Harry Harrison', 'Marion Zimmer Bradley', 'Fritz Leiber', 'Ben Bova', 'Moon Classics', 'Philip K. Dick']"
parse_details - authors: "['Andre Norton', 'Murray Leinster', 'Lester del Rey', 'Harry Harrison', 'Marion Zimmer Bradley', 'Fritz Leiber', 'Ben Bova', 'Moon Classics', 'Philip K. Dick']"
No scripts founds for book details metadata????
parse_series - series_name=None, series_index=None
Error parsing cover for url: ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 165, in parse_details
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 300, in parse_cover
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '37b452dd-f549-41c5-bbbc-14f3f8623c69'

parse_language - language: "English"
parse_details - kobobooks_id: "space-science-fiction-super-pack"
parse_details - title: "Space Science Fiction Super Pack"
parse_authors - author: "Philip K. Dick,C. L. Moore,Isaac Asimov,Bryce Walton,Poul Anderson,William Morrison,Robert Sheckley,Randall Garrett,Lester del Rey,Jerry Sohl,Alan E. Nourse,Mike Lewis,C. M. Kornbluth,Frank M. Robinson,H. B. Fyfe,George O. Smith,Damon Knight,Henry Kuttner,H. Beam Piper"
parse_authors - authors: "['Philip K. Dick', 'C. L. Moore', 'Isaac Asimov', 'Bryce Walton', 'Poul Anderson', 'William Morrison', 'Robert Sheckley', 'Randall Garrett', 'Lester del Rey', 'Jerry Sohl', 'Alan E. Nourse', 'Mike Lewis', 'C. M. Kornbluth', 'Frank M. Robinson', 'H. B. Fyfe', 'George O. Smith', 'Damon Knight', 'Henry Kuttner', 'H. Beam Piper']"
parse_details - authors: "['Philip K. Dick', 'C. L. Moore', 'Isaac Asimov', 'Bryce Walton', 'Poul Anderson', 'William Morrison', 'Robert Sheckley', 'Randall Garrett', 'Lester del Rey', 'Jerry Sohl', 'Alan E. Nourse', 'Mike Lewis', 'C. M. Kornbluth', 'Frank M. Robinson', 'H. B. Fyfe', 'George O. Smith', 'Damon Knight', 'Henry Kuttner', 'H. Beam Piper']"
No scripts founds for book details metadata????
parse_series - series_name: "Positronic Super Pack Series"
parse_series - series_name_node: "b'Positronic Super Pack Series\r\n '"
parse_series - series_index_node: "b'Book 17 - \r\n '"
parse_series - series_index_node.text: "Book 17 - "
parse_series - series_index_text: "Book 17 - "
parse_series - series_index after split: "17"
parse_series - series_name=Positronic Super Pack Series, series_index=17
Error parsing cover for url: ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 165, in parse_details
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 300, in parse_cover
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '8adb1dad-9f09-4003-b1fa-32374e31be10'

parse_details - kobobooks_id: "fantastic-stories-presents-fantasy-super-pack-1"
parse_details - title: "Fantastic Stories Presents: Fantasy Super Pack #1"
parse_authors - author: "Robert E. Howard,Philip K. Dick,James Blish,H. P. Lovecraft,Mary Elizabeth Counselman,Alan Edward Nourse,Clifford D. Simak,Stanley G. Weinbaum,Frederik Pohl,August Derleth,Lester del Rey,Fritz Leiber,Carl Jacobi,Philip José Farmer,Ada Milenkovic Brown,B. W. Clough,F. Marion Crawford,Lillian Csernica,William R. Eakin,Michael M. Jones,Paul Kincaid,Shariann Lewitt,Edward J. McFadden III,William F. Nolan,Chuck Rothman,Clark Ashton Smith,Jean-Louis Trudel,Jamie Wild,David Niall Wilson,Robert F. Young"
parse_authors - authors: "['Robert E. Howard', 'Philip K. Dick', 'James Blish', 'H. P. Lovecraft', 'Mary Elizabeth Counselman', 'Alan Edward Nourse', 'Clifford D. Simak', 'Stanley G. Weinbaum', 'Frederik Pohl', 'August Derleth', 'Lester del Rey', 'Fritz Leiber', 'Carl Jacobi', 'Philip José Farmer', 'Ada Milenkovic Brown', 'B. W. Clough', 'F. Marion Crawford', 'Lillian Csernica', 'William R. Eakin', 'Michael M. Jones', 'Paul Kincaid', 'Shariann Lewitt', 'Edward J. McFadden III', 'William F. Nolan', 'Chuck Rothman', 'Clark Ashton Smith', 'Jean-Louis Trudel', 'Jamie Wild', 'David Niall Wilson', 'Robert F. Young']"
parse_details - authors: "['Robert E. Howard', 'Philip K. Dick', 'James Blish', 'H. P. Lovecraft', 'Mary Elizabeth Counselman', 'Alan Edward Nourse', 'Clifford D. Simak', 'Stanley G. Weinbaum', 'Frederik Pohl', 'August Derleth', 'Lester del Rey', 'Fritz Leiber', 'Carl Jacobi', 'Philip José Farmer', 'Ada Milenkovic Brown', 'B. W. Clough', 'F. Marion Crawford', 'Lillian Csernica', 'William R. Eakin', 'Michael M. Jones', 'Paul Kincaid', 'Shariann Lewitt', 'Edward J. McFadden III', 'William F. Nolan', 'Chuck Rothman', 'Clark Ashton Smith', 'Jean-Louis Trudel', 'Jamie Wild', 'David Niall Wilson', 'Robert F. Young']"
No scripts founds for book details metadata????
parse_series - series_name: "Positronic Super Pack Series"
parse_series - series_name_node: "b'Positronic Super Pack Series\r\n '"
parse_series - series_index_node: "b'Book 1 - \r\n '"
parse_series - series_index_node.text: "Book 1 - "
parse_series - series_index_text: "Book 1 - "
parse_series - series_index after split: "1"
parse_series - series_name=Positronic Super Pack Series, series_index=1
Error parsing cover for url: ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 165, in parse_details
File "calibre_plugins.kobobooks.worker", line 300, in parse_cover
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'c7c14de1-aa14-487a-88e0-4fc846050980'

No cover found

************************************************** ******************************

Last edited by theducks; 01-09-2024 at 05:39 AM. Reason: Spoiler logs.
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