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Old 07-14-2023, 06:35 AM   #16
modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!
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Originally Posted by dewd View Post
Loving this plugin - thank you!

A request and a note. :-)

Would it be possible to also have a "borrow and download" option to eliminate a few clicks (go to Holds tab, borrow, go to Loans tab, download)?
Yeah, this got annoying me for too, so I have implemented a "Borrow and Download" option already. It will be available in the next release.

If the "Hide books already in libary" box is checked, it will also hide books for which there is an empty book record (i.e. it might appear that you've downloaded them when you haven't). I don't know if there's any way for the plugin to determine/indicate whether there is actually a file attached to the record or not, but thought it worth noting.
I'm aware of this. The logic for whether a book is already in the library is just a simple title match at the moment. I don't know if adding a format check is feasible, but I'll take a look.
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