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Old 10-28-2016, 01:34 PM   #5
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thosedays began at the beginning.
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It helped again, You helped me again. Thanks!

Although I think I don't quite get what You mean.
If it interest You because of some reason I will tell You what is the difference for me.
What I wanted is to change in my books the metadata, because many books had them wrong and all those books have all the information needed in filename.
So I import all those books by the method You showed me, and then save them to disk.
But I had a problem with some files, because some files with word at the beginning for e.g. "The" weren't saved as same as they were in original but now the is at the end of title sentence in filename in windows.
I don't know how it looks like on other devices but on my kindle pdf are named as filename and mobi's etc. are named as title and author.
Anyway, thanks again, and sorry if I didn't get something.
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